Sapere Aude! Dare to Know!
Deputy Department Chair, Department of International Relations
Member of Executive Committee, Social Sciences Institute
K. Onur Unutulmaz has received his undergraduate degrees from Boğaziçi University in 2005 in Political Science&International Relations and Sociology departments (double major program). In the framework of his graduate studies, he received an MA degree from Koç University in International Relations in 2007 and an MPhil degree in Migration Studies from University of Oxford in 2009. Lastly, he obtained his doctorate in Anthropology, also from the University of Oxford in 2014.
Dr. Unutulmaz has been working at the Social Sciences University of Ankara since 2014; initially as a full-time Lecturer and currently as an Assistant Professor.
International migration, immigrant integration policies, sports and migrants, Turkish diaspora, diaspora policies, education in immigrant integration
Undergraduate Courses
INT 101- Introduction to Political Science
INT 102- Introduction to International Relations
PHIL 101- History and Philosophy of Social Sciences
INT 302- Turkey-European Union Relations
INT 306- International Organizations
POLS 323- Political Anthropology
Graduate Courses
INT 534- Politics of International Migration
PCS 525- Migration, Conflict and Peace
- Has a multi-disciplinary academic background having obtained degrees in Political Science and International Relations, Sociology, Migration Studies, and Anthropology.
- Conducts research on international migration and integration of immigrants from an inter-disciplinary perspective.
- Worked and published on the potential of sports as an instrument for immigrant integration.
- Has an extensive experience as a researcher in large scale international research projects including EU Horizon 2020, International Organization for Migration, and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees funded projects.
An academic working on international migration and integration of immigrants